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Problem completing your Order?

If you're getting an error pop-up when trying to complete your order/payment, it's most likely because the "billing" address was not entered correctly. It must be an exact match or the payment will be rejected.

If your payment attempt fails, go back to "check out" and look under section 2 and see the check box which reads: "My billing address is the same as my shipping address" go ahead uncheck that box. Doing so will open another field for the billing address.

Once the correct billing address is entered, the charge will most likely go through unless there is another problem like insufficient funds or hold on your account.

If you are still experiencing a problem, you might want to call your credit card company to see what the hang up is. If you like, you can use the "contact us" link and message us. We can go into the payment log to see what the problem was. We can determine if it's an address issue or if it was simply declined by the bank. If it was declined by your bank, you will need to contact them direct.

If you're still having a problem completing your order, do not hesitate to contact us via message or over the phone during regular business hours and we will assist you.

Thank you for shopping on alexsparts.com