Alex's Parts is a online engine parts distributor who specializes in select valve train parts.
Alex has over 40 years experience in the engine business, a great deal of knowledge has accumulated over this time. In a world where knowledgeable mom and pop shops are few and far between, Alex's Parts still offers good old fashioned customer service.
If you have a question, the best way to get an answer is to use the "Contact Us" tab at the top of the page to email us. We have quick email response times and normally answer emails quickly.
Alex's Parts is an internet based business and communicates via email. If you must call us, be sure to review the time zone map at the bottom of this page to determine the time differences between various locations across the USA. We are on Pacific Time.
Standard Business Hours are: Monday through Friday. 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM Pacific time zone. (California)
When the time comes to place your order, it should be completed online. Customers can pay using their M/C, Visa credit, debit or gift cards. Online ordering offers the lowest possible costs.
Phone Orders: We no longer accept phone orders. To place an order, it must be done online. If you experience a problem completing your order online, feel free to use the contact us message system for assistance.
Once an order has been placed on the site, automated messages are sent to the customers email address. Please be sure to enter a valid email address and one which you check daily. We are an internet company, we do business online and use email to communicate.
Order Processing Time:
Items which have an "Add to cart" button and are not custom machined or modified should be available to ship within a day or two. (Excluding weekends) These items normally ship between 1-2 working days. During peak season, if we're really busy, it might take a day or so longer. Please note that spring kits, pushrod length checkers, thermactor kits, and some other parts which are custom made, modified or machined, will take longer. For such items, the amount of time to ship is normally written in the listing itself towards the bottom of the page. Average processing time for spring kits is around 30 days, pushrod length checkers- 7-10 days, etc. We ask our customers to make their purchases in advance to allow us enough time to build and ship your order. If you would like to get an estimate of how long a custom or modified item might take to ship, just reach out to us using the contact us link and we'll advise.
Once an order has shipped, tracking numbers are emailed and entered into the customers order where they can be viewed simply by logging into their account.
We are located in Shingle Springs California and are on the Pacific time zone.
Our mailing address is:
Standard Business Hours are: Monday through Friday. 10:00AM - 4:45PM Pacific time zone. (California)
Closed on weekends and all major holidays however, if you have a question, please email us.
--------> Please take note of any time zone differences. <--------
The best times to call is between 11:00AM - 4:15PM Pacific time.
NOTE: We do not offer a retail store front or a will-call deck for customers to come and pick up orders, all orders are shipped including local orders.