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VALVE SEATS, 1.562" x 1.187"-1.250" x .312", Universal, Chev, GMC Set of Four

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Product Description

High Chrome Alloy Steel, 1.562" x 1.187"-1.250" x .312"

Hard Valve Seats, Tapered ID, set of four

Application: Universal, Chevrolet & GMC




  • Four seats included for the listed price


Alex's Parts carries a decent valve seat selection. If you're looking for a size we do not carry, please use the contact us link to make an inquiry. We might be able to supply them.

We carry seats from: Manley, Martin Wells & Precision Engine Parts.

These seats are from Manley. Part Number: VS1562-33

High Chrome Alloyed Seats are an excellent material for many cylinder heads.

Chrome alloy seats are easily machined on modern seat and guide machines or ground using stones. (Sioux, Kwik way, etc)

Some seats are available with a tapered ID. Shops who use stones to grind seats, like tapered ID seats because it reduces machining time.

Most of our valve seats are available in increments of 1/16".
Starting at around 1" and going to around 2-1/16" We can get larger seats but don't stock allot of them.

The listed outside diameter of the seat is typically the decimal equivalent of the fractional size of the cutter.

The seat itself normally has the proper press added to it's outside diameter. This is referred to as "Plus Press"


NOTE- These seats have some minor "as cast" surface exposed on the ID. In other words, the ID is machined but there are areas where some of the cast surface was slightly lower so it is left with some exposed as cast surface. This is not a defect and will not impare the function. Anyone who has been in the auto machine business for some time has seen this before. We're offering these at a lower price simply because of this "old school" cosmetic condition.


  • Outside Diameter: 1.562" Plus Press
  • Inside Diameter, Tapered: 1.187"- 1.250"
  • Depth" .312"
  • Radius or chamfered leading edge for ease of installation




  • High Chrome Alloy Steel
  • Hardness- RC40 combined with easy machinability
  • Features excellent resistance to high temperatures in application to 1150 degree F
  • Can be Machined w/ carbide or ground w/ stones



If you're looking for a special size seat, use the contact us link to send us a message.


Alex's Parts- The smart choice in valve train parts~

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